How Satan, witches and occultists convert into animals

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How Satan, witches and occultists convert into animals.




Makko Musagara




To begin, robotic insects are a revolutionary technology that has opened up possibilities that were fiction a generation ago. These robotic insects can effortlessly infiltrate inhabited buildings. Also, while being controlled from long distances; they are equipped with cameras and a built-in microphone.

In fact, these devices have the ability to land precisely on human skin, use their supermicron-sized needle to collect DNA samples, and quickly depart. Interestingly, all a person feels is the pain of a mosquito bite without the burning sensation. Such insect drone is difficult to detect and can be used to inject toxins into desired targets.

Satan and witches can transform into animals.

Similarly, Satan, demons, and witches can, on certain missions, transform themselves into animals, insects, and birds for espionage and spiritual warfare. This truth is clearly stated in the book of Genesis where Satan transformed himself into a serpent to tempt Eve and Adam.

Why Satan, Demons and Witches Transform into Animals and Insects

In fact, witches can transform themselves into animals for efficiency and disguise purposes. The most popular animals are snakes, cats, owls and rats while the most commonly used insects are flies, bees and cockroaches.

By transforming into animals, insects and birds, witches become less visible and more dangerous as they can enter homes and other inhabited areas undetected by humans. In this form, witches can enter homes to spy by listening to conversations and then curse the inhabitants of those homes.

How to Counter Demonic Animals and Insects.

You can prevent demonic animals and insects from entering your home and compound by praying and imploring the Blood of Jesus daily in your home and compound. If you do this, whenever these animals and insects try to enter your home, they will see fire which will make them flee.



How Satan, witches and occultists convert into animals.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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