Dear reader, if you believe in our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, then you have the first three weapons to disable demons. Second, you are more equipped if you have the power of the written Word of God.
The additional powerful weapon.
Additionally, there is another powerful weapon I am going to mention in this article that will completely disable demons.
Jesus gave you the power and authority.
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us a powerful supernatural weapon to disable demons. In fact, this power is the power of binding demons. Interestingly, God has given Christians this weapon but they are not using it. Yet this weapon is clearly indicated in the Bible.
Jesus Christ said:
I will give you the keys (authority) of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth [a]will have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth [b]will have [already] been loosed in heaven.
Mathew 16:19
When and how to use the weapon of binding.
Therefore, use the weapon of binding all times because most time we are operating in places surrounded by evil spirits. Every time you pray, don’t forget to start with the Lord’s Prayer, and then bind demons by pronouncing these words:
It is written that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. In Jesus’ Name we (yourself, God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit) bind you evil spirits of ….. right now.
I assure you that after that pronouncement and command, the demons around will be bound. Next, you must cast the bound demons away – into the bottomless pit.
My experience with binding demons.
I was once faced with a spirit of a python that had entered into my bedroom. Interestingly, this spirit came through a beautiful new blanket I and my wife had bought in town. We were not aware that the owner of the store where we bought that blanket was deeply involved in witchcraft or call it the occult.
On the first night of laying this blanket on our bed the Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I saw a huge python laying motionless across the new blanket laid on our bed. The vision was so clear that I saw the glittering rainbow colors on the skin of this serpent. It was as if I was watching a very clear TV image. However, I did not tell my sleeping wife what I had seen because I thought I was mistaken. Also, I did not want to scare her.
God showed me the python again.
Then, the following night God confirmed my first sighting. As I was preparing to sleep the Lord opened my spiritual eyes. I saw the serpent again. This time it had made huge coils on the floor of our bedroom, near my side of our bed. Its mouth was wide open wanting to swallow me starting with my arms that were hanging over the bed. After this vision vanished I quickly rose from my bed for a counter attack. The first weapon I immediately thought of was the weapon of binding. I quickly sat on my bed and went into prayer by proclaiming the following words:
It is written that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, in Jesus’ Name we bind you spirit of a python and we render you powerless.
Powerful cables descended from heaven.
After this proclamation the Lord opened my eyes to show me what was happening in the spiritual realm. Suddenly, I saw very strong metallic cables descending from the ceiling of my bedroom. It was as if they were descending from Heaven.
Supernaturally, these cables pounced on the python and started going round and round its massive coils. In fact, the python wanted to escape but it was held on ground by these powerful cables.
Finally the serpent which had been about 8 meters long was squeezed into the size of a Coke bottle. It was totally bound with strong heavenly cables. I felt peace as I did not see the serpent again that night.
The weapon of casting away demons.
The following day again as I went to bed the Lord opened my spiritual eyes. I saw the bound serpent still in my bedroom. Finally, the voice of the Lord informed me saying:
You bound but you did not cast the evil spirit away.
I immediately went into prayer by commanding as follows:
You bound spirit of a python, I command you to go into the deserts, never to come back in this house.
What followed was amazing. The bound demon took off with such a force that the whole of our house vibrated like it had been hit by a powerful earthquake. I never saw that demon again.
How to disable demons.