I saw a heavenly city just above our capital!

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I saw a heavenly city just above our capital!




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, you may find it hard to believe what the Lord showed me. In a supernatural vision, I saw a heavenly city just above our country’s city!

Why the Lord showed me this heavenly city.

After my wife received Jesus Christ as Lord of her life, our Heavenly Father asked her to leave her comfortable city life and return to her rural home area to start a church. God wanted my wife to be heaven’s ambassador in this rural community shrouded in the darkness of witchcraft.

However, years passed and each time God reminded my wife of this divine call, she gave various excuses.

I remember one time when she asked God like this:


Lord, how do you expect me to live in a rural place that has no running water, no electricity, no television, and no decent house?



“How can I live in a rural place that has no running water and no electricity?”


The vision of a heavenly city.

Then one night the Lord showed me a supernatural vision while I was sleeping. In this vision, I walked with all my family towards our capital. All our children walked in front of us, while my wife came right behind me.

As we entered our city, I suddenly saw a beautiful heavenly city hanging over our capital. Unlike our earthly city, everything in this heavenly city was so beautiful, so neat and so clean. All the buildings in this celestial city looked brand new.

We ascended to the celestial city.

Suddenly we saw a bridge connecting our capital to the celestial city and we all started to climb this bridge. All our children entered the divine city and I followed them.


A divine bridge connected our capital to the heavenly city.


My wife was denied entry into the heavenly city.

However, as my wife was about to enter the celestial city, something strange happened. Heavenly soldiers came out of nowhere and totally blocked her from entering the city of God.

I was very puzzled, so I asked the commander of God’s army why my wife was denied entry into the heavenly city. The commander replied saying:


She can’t come in because she refused to serve God.


I suddenly woke up from this vision, shook my wife and told her what I had seen and what the commander of God’s army had told me. My wife immediately agreed to go serve God. She chose to serve God rather than suffer in hell. So far, she has founded four vibrant churches in her home district.



Prayer that blocks Satan.

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