Invest in heaven and God will remember your family forever

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Alt=Invest in Heaven and God will remember your family forever
Invest in Heaven and God will remember your family forever.




Makko Musagara

May the glory of God cover the entire earth.




Dear reader, are you planning for the future of your children? Then invest in heaven and God will remember your family forever.

Never trust any investment on earth.

To begin with, our Lord Jesus Christ advised us never to trust in any earthly investment. Listen to what God’s word in the Bible says:


19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Matthew 6:19-21


Surrender your life to Jesus Christ.

First, if you want to invest in heaven, you must surrender your life to Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact, you cannot invest in heaven without knowing Jesus Christ.


Alt=Invest in heaven and God will remember your family forever
You must surrender your life to Jesus Christ.

Pay your tithes.

Second, you must pay your tithes if you are to invest in heaven. A tithe belongs to God, therefore give God what belongs to him.

Invest in the promotion of God’s kingdom on earth.

Thirdly, if you want to invest in heaven, you must invest in the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. This investment can be done by doing any of the following:


  1. Donate land for the construction of a church.

  2. Building a church.

  3. Supporting God’s servants.

  4. Supporting evangelism activities.

  5. Helping the needy.

  6. Support the printing and distribution of Bibles.

  7. Become a peacemaker.



Alt=Invest in heaven and God will remember your family forever
Support the construction of churches.


God remembered the widow of Zarephath.

To illustrate what I’m talking about, the widow of Zarephath had very little food in her home. She had the choice of eating it with her son or investing it in heaven by giving it to God’s servant. She opted for the latter, and as a result, her house never ran out of food.




Invest in heaven and God will remember your family forever.


The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4



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