Dear reader, the Lord assigned me the mission of writing to expose Satan‘s secret operations. The first task God gave me was to tell all Christians how Satan secures permission from our Father in Heaven to come on Earth and tempt Christians. Click here to read in full what the Lord showed me.
Witchcraft and witches.
Sometimes I laugh when I hear some Christians say that there is no witchcraft. Witchcraft and sorcery are real. Witchcraft is one of the departments under Satan. The Devil uses witches to expand Satan’s kingdom here on Earth. In this article I show you one secret witches use to fail Christians.
Incantations are a series of words used by witches to influence their human targets. When witches pronounce these incantations, they are picked up by demons that go to the human target to accomplish what the witch has pronounced. It is these incantations that give witches and demons power.
Examples of pronouncements made by witches:
You will die within four days.
His children will live lives of suffering.
You will become a very poor person.”
Their friendship will break up.
The building he has started will never be completed.
If you are weak in the Lord, such negative pronouncements can badly affect your life.
How to counter incantations from witches.
Christians can counter incantations by daily pronouncing God’s promises to them as indicated in the written Word of God in the Bible. Let me use the examples above to show you how to counter negative pronouncements from witches.
Make these verbal pronouncements every time you have an opportunity:
In Jesus’s Name I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.
Psalm 118:17
In Jesus’s Name my children will not die. They will live, and God will bless them abundantly.
Isaiah 49:25
My God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ.
Philippians 4:19
My marriage will not fail. No person or demonic powers can separate what God has joined together.
Mark 10:9
In Jesus’s Name this building I have started will be completed because it is written in the Bible that God will bless everything I put my hands on.
Deuteronomy 28:8
Every time you pronounce these statements, God’s angels will pick them up to ensure they are fulfilled in your life.
Such verbal pronouncements will cancel all the incantations made by the Devil and his agents.