Dear reader, do you want to see progressive prosperity in your life? Then, offer a sacrifice to God and see what happens!
Your sacrifice opens the doors of heaven.
First of all, you must know that apart from your ordinary tithes and offerings, nothing else can open the gates of heaven to your prosperity.
Therefore, if you want heaven to open for you in a special way, consider a special sacrifice to God.
Your sacrifice destroys the demons that rob you.
Additionally, God uses your sacrifice to activate an army of heavenly warrior angels who will destroy the demons who have been stealing your finances.
God usually prompts Christians to give, but most don’t hear His voice.
Second, you must know that our Heavenly Father always wants to free His children from the bondage of poverty. God usually prompts these Christians to give something special to Him, but they do not hear His voice.
Other Christians may hear this voice, but the devil deceives them into believing that it is not the voice of God. As a result, they all lose the opportunity to enter the category of the rich.
Satan will never prompt you to give to God. Therefore, whenever you hear something prompting you to give to God, give without any delay.
Here are some suggested personal sacrifices.
Considering what has been mentioned above, here are some suggestions of personal sacrifices that can open the gates of heaven to bless you.
The first on this list is a financial sacrifice. This is the best and most practical to make before God. The second is your vehicle, provided it is in excellent mechanical condition.
Third, have you ever thought of giving a portion of your land to God? In fact, that land can be used to build a church to worship God and bring the lost to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Where do you offer your sacrifice to God?
To be precise, you must offer your sacrifice in the church where you usually worship God. Since God recognizes the ecclesiastical authorities that He has appointed, it would be best to give your sacrifice to your pastor for prayer and blessing.
Live a life of scrificial giving to God.
In conclusion, if you want to live a life of continual prosperity, then consider living a life of sacrificial giving to God.