Dear reader, our Heavenly Father is always looking at each person’s offering during a church service. In this article I show you the reasons why leftover coins and low value bank notes offend God.
Please note this first.
Before I go any further, I must inform you that I am not a church pastor. Therefore, I am not interested in Church offerings and tithes. I am just a simple Christian who was commissioned by God to write about the Kingdom of Heaven.
You do not give your offering to your pastor or church leadership.
To begin, it is necessary to clarify the impression that most people have of the person to whom they are making the offer. Most Christians think they are giving their offering to their pastor or church leadership. This perception is false. When you make an offering during a church service, you are actually giving it to Heavenly Father.
You minimize the honor of God.
First, when you give leftover coins and low value bank notes to your Heavenly Father, you are actually belittling His honor. You are degrading the honor of God from the supreme authority of the entire universe to an inferior leader in your locality. Additionally, you are degrading God from the creator of the entire universe to a local person within your community.
Listen to what Heavenly Father says:
A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the Lord Almighty.
Malachi 1:6
You are reducing God to a street beggar.
Second, when you give Heavenly Father leftover coins you are actually reducing God to a street beggar who will accept any offer even if such an offering is nondeserving and of no value.
However, listen to what God says about leftover coins and low value bank notes:
Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?” says the Lord Almighty.
Malachi 1:8

You are treating God like a desperate person.
Thirdly, giving God leftover coins and low value bank notes makes God look like a despondent, despairing, desperate, and a hopeless person.

Give God a pleasant offering.
Therefore, considering all the reasons given above, it is important that you give Heavenly Father an offering that will please Him. Most importantly, you have to prepare and pray over your offering before you leave your home.
Reasons why leftover coins and low value bank notes offend God.