The devil hates intercessors because they stand in the gap for God’s ministers and therefore disrupt demonic missions. This is why Satan fights intercessors. In this article, I will show you some of the ways Satan does this.
Fighting Intercessors Through Sexual Sin
First, Satan does not need to fight every member of the intercession team; he only needs one weak person in that group. By weak, I mean a member of the team who can easily be drawn into a sexual sin.
If he commits one, he will commit more. Therefore, intercessors must guard their sexual lives very carefully so as not to open the door for demons to enter their lives and the lives of other members of the intercession group.
Second, Satan and demons can fight intercessors through gossip. When intercessors meet, the devil will make them gossip instead of praying. Some of this gossip can ruin the intercession group or ministry they belong to.
Causing Disunity.
Third, Satan and the demons will start with an individual in the intercession team to sow confusion in the group, which will lead to disunity. Prayers will be weakened by this disunity.
Causing Problems with Individual Members
Additionally, the devil can cause problems for individual members of the intercession group. This will weaken the group and instead of interceding for the ministries, they will spend time praying for individual members.
Also, Satan will cause pride in one or more members of the intercession team. He will think he is better than others and this will create hatred in the team.
Causing Personal Grudges.
Furthermore, Satan can cause personal grudges between members. This will weaken the choir or worship team.
Disrupting Meetings.
The devil can disrupt intercessory meetings to hinder these groups.
How Satan fights intercessors.