Dear reader, there is a secret Satan has kept for thousands of years. Satan knows this secret about God many Christians don’t know.
The Devil has used this secret knowledge about God to lead many Christians to Hell. In this article I show you what this secret is.
This is the secret.
The secret Satan knows is this: God the Father always respects his written word in the Bible. The Devil is sure that no matter what the circumstance is, God the Father will always honor what he said in the Bible.
How Satan takes advantage of this knowledge.
The Devil takes advantage of this knowledge to accuse Christians before God. Satan accuses Christians before God day and night that they have broken God’s written word in the Bible.
As a result of these accusations, God gives Satan permission to tempt Christians.
A good example.
A good example is a Christian who looks lustfully at another person. When a Christian lusts, demons immediately report this lust to Satan. The Devil will then go before our Father in Heaven to accuse that Christian. Satan will ask God as follows:
Doesn’t your written word in the Bible (Mathew 5:28) say that Christians should never lust? This means that this man I am reporting to you now has violated your written word. Since this man has violated your word in the Bible, I request for your permission to go and tempt him.
Because our Father in Heaven has a lot of respect for his written word, God will give Satan permission to come on Earth and tempt that Christian. A good example of such permission is found in Job 1:12.
Satan will use God’s permission to deploy demons of fornication, pornography, adultery, sickness, and poverty to come into the life of that Christian. This is how Satan drives many Christians into sin, and ultimately into Hell.
What Christians are supposed to do.
Christians must always pray the Lord’s prayer and ask our Father in Heaven as follows:
Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[a]
And lead us not into temptation.[b]
Luke 11:4
When a Christian prays like this, God will forgive the sins of that Christian, and deny Satan permission to tempt that Christian.