Dear reader, there is a Bible verse the devil has used to deceive many Christians. Satan uses this Scripture to lead millions of Christians to hell.
Satan twists God’s instructions.
First, from the beggining the devil has twisted God’s instructions to His people. For example, in Genesis 2:16-17 our Heavenly Father commanded the man like this:
You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.
Afterwards, the devil looked for a way he could confuse Eve with this Scripture. Listen to what Satan asked Eve in Genesis 3:1:
Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?
As a result of Satan’s deception, both Adam and Eve ended up sinning against God.
Here is the scripture Satan uses to lead millions of Christians to hell.
Likewise, the Scripture Satan has used to confuse and drive millions of Christians into hell is John 2:1-11. This passage talks about the miracle of Cana where our Lord Jesus Christ turned water into wine.
In relation to this miracle, Satan is always tempting Christians by asking them this qustion:
If alcohol is bad, why did Jesus turn water into wine?
Millions have descended into hell.
Consequently, millions of Christians have become drunk on alcoholic beverages and after their life on earth have found themselves suffering in the eternal fire of hell.
Christians should stay away from alcoholic drinks.
Finally, Satan’s weapon against God’s people is deception. All christian’s must stay away from the devil’s deception regarding John 2:1-11. If you do this, you will improve your chances of entering heaven.