Satan’s supernatural aircrafts Christians need to know about.

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Satan’s aircrafts Christians need to know about.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, you may not believe this but it is true. The Devil has aircrafts that transport his agents and clients from one part of the world to another. Unlike man’s airplanes, Satan’s aircrafts are simple yet they are so fast.. They may be in the form of a simple rug, a mat, a dried animal skin, or the most commonly known Satanic aircraft – the broomstick.

How Satan’s aircrafts work.

First, these aircraft are powered by demons. Second, they are invisible to the naked eye. They can only be discerned spiritually. Additionally, they cannot be detected by radar and they can fly to any destination on earth without fear of violating the airspace of sovereign countries.

It is reported that in Malawi, an African country, some witches from the north can tell you to sit on a mat and close your eyes. Within a few minutes, they ask you to open your eyes. Shockingly, you find yourself walking down a street in the city of your choice in the United States!

Witches have been given maximum altitude in Swaziland.

As an illustration, Satan’s aircrafts are so real that in the African country of Swaziland, the Government has set 150 meters as the maximum altitude witches can fly. Read: Witches in Swaziland banned from flying 150 meters or higher.

You can set no-go zones for Satan’s planes.

Even though the Devil has this fast and amazing means of transportation, his planes have a major limitation. Moreover, they cannot fly over the airspace where Christians pray, worship and praise God.

Furthermore, they cannot fly over the homes of devoted Christians who pray daily by covering their homes with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Their flights are always interrupted if they pass over such homes.

You can deny these planes the right to land.

Interestingly, you can deny Satan’s planes the right to land on your property. You can do this by always invoking the Blood of Jesus Christ on your home, and other personal property. Furthermore, declare the Kingdom of God wherever you set foot. Consequently, that territory will become a no-go zone for Satan’s aircrafts.



Satan’s aircrafts Christians need to know about.



Prayer that blocks Satan.


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