Makko Musagara
Dear reader, there is a reward in Heaven for everything good a person does on earth. In the same way, God grants great rewards to anyone who contributes, in any way, to the expansion of the Kingdom of heaven on earth.
Rewards from man.
For one reason or another, some people or organizations on earth may wish to honor people who have worked hard to do good for others. They also sometimes honor people who contributed to the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. In this article I show why you should never accept such acknowledgments from human beings.
This happens when you accept from man.
When you accept recognition and rewards by man, then God will not reward you anything in Heaven. God will say:
You have already received IN FULL your rewards on Earth, there is no need to reward you anymore in Heaven.
see Mathew 6:5.
God’s angels will temporarily halt building your house in Heaven.
When you accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, the angels of God in Heaven begin the construction of your house in Heaven. You will live in this house after your life on Earth. Every time you do something good on Earth, God’s angels in Heaven are activated to continue building your home in Heaven.
When you carry out an activity promoting the expansion of the Kingdom of God on Earth, the angels of God in Heaven become very active in continuing to build your house in Heaven.
When you accept man’s recognition, the angels of God in Heaven may temporarily stop the construction of your house in Heaven, as they would have no materials to use. You would have received ALL your rewards on Earth, but not in Heaven.
God is the best rewarder.
All people who do good to others on earth and those who are involved in promoting the Kingdom of God on earth should stop seeking recognition from man. They should only look to our Heavenly Father because He is the best rewarder of those who do good on earth.
Seek recognition from God, not from men.