Seven good omens announcing your upcoming blessings.

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Seven good omens announcing your upcoming blessings.



Makko Musagara




Dear reader, good omens are physical signs originating from the supernatural realm showing that good things are coming your way. This article presents seven good omens announcing your upcoming blessings.

1. Seeing a dove.

First, a dove is a blessed bird that has been greatly used by God. You may remember that during the great floods of the book of Genesis, God used a dove to inform Noah that the flood waters had receded.

Likewise, at the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove. Therefore, our Heavenly Father made an everlasting covenant with a dove. For this reason, know that you are blessed when a dove interacts with you in some way.


Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.


Mark 1:10



Therefore, know that you are blessed when a dove interacts with you in some way.


2. The numbers 7, 77, and 777.

Second, throughout the Bible the number 7 shows God’s blessings in one way or another. Therefore, know that God’s blessings are coming if  you interact with the numbers 7, 77, or 777 in some way.

3. Surviving death.

Third, surviving death is a good omen and a great blessing from God. It is an indicator that Heavenly Father has planned for you to live a long life on earth.


Alt=Death can run away from you!
Surviving death is an indicator that Heavenly Father has planned for you to live a long life on earth.


4. Rainfall.

Additionally, rainfall plays a very important role in our lives. It provides us with water for our daily use, is used by plants for their growth and nourishes rivers and lakes.

Rain therefore is a good omen because it represents divine blessings from heaven. Seeing rain in one way or another portends blessings to come in your life.


 The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands.


Deuteronomy 28:12



5. If you receive money.

Fifth, receiving honest money in any form is auspicious and heralds blessings to come. Money coming to you in a dream in reality shows upcoming blessings from God.


Receiving honest money in any way portends blessings to come.


6. Any good prophecy.

Also, any good prophecy concerning your life is a precise and good omen that God’s blessings are on their way.

7. Unexpected assistance.

Getting unexpected assistance is a clear sign that God cares for you. It is a good omen announcing your upcoming blessings.



Seven good omens announcing your upcoming blessings.


The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4



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