Makko Musagara
Dear reader, our Father in heaven talks tp people in dreams but many don’t understand. In this article I show you seven signs that God spoke to you in a dream.
Waking up filled with God’s presence.
When you wake up filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, it means God our Father spoke to you during your sleep.
Get out of bed immediately and pray that God’s will is done in your life.
A dream of a head of state or a president.
If in your dream you met and talked to a popular head of state or president, then you may have talked to our Father in heaven.
Get out of bed and pray that God’s purposes are fulfilled in your life.
Waking up suddenly after a dream.
Usually our Father in heaven will wake you up as soon as he has finished talking to you in a dream. God wants you to remember everything he has told you in the dream.
The same dream repeated twice.
If God’s message to you in a dream is very important, he will make sure that a dream is repeated twice during the same night.
This is exactly what happened to Pharaoh. God spoke to him in two similar dreams during the same night (see Genesis 41:1-8).

Remembering all the details in a dream.
When our Father in heaven talks to you in a dream, he will enable you to recall all the details of that dream. God wants you to take immediate action about that dream.
God’s dream is so clear.
When our Father in heaven is talking to you in a dream, the images in that dream will be so clear. That dream will appear as if you are watching a high definition television.