Dear reader, there are two realms in this world we live in, the physical realm and the spiritual one. Something looking beautiful in the physical realm may actually be ugly in the spiritual realm.
And something that looks ugly in the physical realm may actually appear angelic in the spiritual world.
In this article I show you why sin will make your face very ugly, even if you are beautiful in the physical realm.
The case of David and his brothers.
What I am talking about can easily be seen in the case of David and his brothers. God sent prophet Samuel to choose one of Jesses sons to be anointed as a king, but this prophet got confused because he was only considering their physical beauty.
God rejected all Jesse’s sons, except David, because their hearts were filled with evil which made their faces so ugly within the spiritual realm, and in God’s eyes.
Within the spiritual realm, only David had a handsome face compared to all his brothers (see 1 Samuel 16:7).
How beauty is categorized in the spiritual realm.
Within the spiritual realm, beauty is categorized according to how much a person has sinned.
The most sinful people.
The faces of the most sinful people on Earth look so ugly within the spiritual ream, even if these people are beautiful in the physical realm.
Within the spiritual realm these people have terrible faces with blisters, wrinkles, and wounds. No man-made cosmetics can change such faces except if these individuals decide to repent of their sins before God.
The intermediate group.
These people have less sins compared to the first group I have mentioned above, and their faces appear somehow better within the spiritual realm.
The repentant group.
This group consists of people who have repented their sins before God, and he has forgiven them through Jesus Christ.
Even if some of these are not so beautiful in our physical world, the faces of all these people are so beautiful, charming, and shining within the spiritual realm.
This is what Father in Heaven wants you to do.
God wants you to stop your sinful lifestyle. This is what Father in Heaven is telling you:
Wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
Isaiah 1:16
God will make your face very beautiful.
If you decide to repent and change your ways, and you live a lifestyle that pleases God, then our Father in Heaven will purify your face and has promised you like this:
“Come now, let’s settle this,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
I will make them as white as snow.
Though they are red like crimson,
I will make them as white as wool.“
Isaiah 1:18
Sin will make your face very ugly.