Some Christians will not enter heaven because of the thoughts that dwell in their hearts. Here are six thoughts that will deny you entry into heaven.
What our Lord Jesus Christ said.
To begin with, Jesus said that an evil thought defiles your body, spirit, and soul. Hear what Jesus said in Mathew 15:19-20:
19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
First of all, if Jesus came back today and found you with lustful thoughts, you would not be able to enter heaven because you have committed adultery. Therefore, repent if you are in the habit of having lustful thoughts.
Second, a person who has thoughts of hatred cannot enter heaven because that person is a murderer.
Furthermore, anger makes a person defiled and filthy. Therefore, an angry person will never enter heaven. It is best to forgive and forget what made you angry.
Also, Jesus always taught against worry because it brings fear into your heart. Therefore, a worried person cannot be allowed to enter heaven.
Additionally, a person who has fear in his heart will never enter heaven. Because of fear, many Israelites traveling from Egypt never reached the promised land. Fear comes from the devil, therefore, you must always replace fear with faith in God.
Sexual immorality.
Sixth, it will be very diffult for a person with thoughts of sexual immorality to enter heaven. Thoughts of sexual immorality completely defile a person and render him dirty in God’s sight. Therefore, it is better to repent and replace these kind of thoughts with holy ideas.
Six thoughts that will deny you entry into heaven.