Something will happen as soon as you decide to tithe.
As soon as you decide to tithe, within your mind, God will initiate a chain of events that will change your life.
As soon as you decide to tithe, within your mind, God will initiate a chain of events that will change your life.
Makko Musagara Dear reader, the Devil does not want you to be rich. Satan knows that if you become prosperous, you will promote the expansion of the Kingdom of God. This article shows you … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, you would rather separate what belongs to God than miss out on heaven. When you leave this world, the time will come when you will wait for the doors … Continued
Makko Musagara Satan is always against the expansion of the Kingdom of God. One of the ways he fights is by stealing the finances of God’s people. This article lists 10 ways Satan steals the … Continued