Why sadness and trials are good for you
Makko Musagara Are you going through a difficult time in any way? This article shows you why sadness and trials are good for you. What God is saying about your situation. To begin with, let us … Continued
Makko Musagara Are you going through a difficult time in any way? This article shows you why sadness and trials are good for you. What God is saying about your situation. To begin with, let us … Continued
Makko Musagara Do you want to live a supernatural life? Here are 7 positive confessions that will bring miracles into your life. 1. I will succeed in the name of Jesus Christ First, make it a … Continued
Makko Musagara Our Heavenly Father is always waiting to see if there is any home on earth where He can go. This article presents 7 things that will invite God into your home. 1. Praying. To … Continued
Makko Musagara Satan will do anything to stop parents from taking their children to church. This article shows why Satan doesn’t want parents to take their children to church. Most children are so innocent before God. … Continued
Makko Musagara Heaven can know whether your prayer is weak or powerful. According to heaven, here is the most powerful prayer on earth. A powerful prayer does not necessarily have to be too long. To begin … Continued
Makko Musagara Sleeping nude has negative spiritual consequences. This article presents the spiritual dangers of sleeping naked. Nudity is associated with shame. First, throughout the Bible, nudity is associated with shame. Therefore, you are in a … Continued
Makko Musagara Forgiving is so difficult that no one can forgive out of their own free will. In fact, only Jesus Christ can help you forgive. Unforgiveness is a giant demon. First, most people don’t know … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, were you born outside of marriage? Then only Jesus Christ can deliver you. This article shows you the danger of being born outside of marriage. To be born outside of marriage breaks … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, this article introduces you to six places in your area with intense demonic activity. If I were you, I would not go to these six places without praying and covering myself with … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, this article presents to you the shocking things the Lord revealed about pornography. The Lord revealed that many people have been chosen by Heavenly Father to serve in the Kingdom. However, due to … Continued