Dear reader, tattoos can actually lead a Christian to hell as this testimony from Emmanuel Agyarko indicates. Emmanuel is a Ghanaian teenager who has been receiving visions from the Lord since he was little.
Here he shares some of his experiences when our Lord Jesus Christ showed him Christians who are in hell because of tattoos.
Testimony from Emmanuel Agyarko of Ghana.
“I also saw a 17-year-old American boy called Phillip. This boy had a spider tattoo on his back. He said his friend told him it would protect him from sickness. I then saw Lucifer pass by him mock him. This boy was in church and thought he was going to Heaven. Unfortunately, this boy is in Hell now because of the tattoo.
Satan then said,
I saw many other people in this section of Hell, all because they have been tattooed on their bodies. I then saw Lucifer transform himself into a young man with many tattoos on his body, with body piercings and mocking them by quoting Leviticus 19:28,
You must not cut your body for the dead [ a pagan sign of mourning; Deut. 14:1; Jer. 16:6; 41:5] or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:28
In Hell, a red-hot metal had been attached to the tattoo designs and they were in much pain. I saw one boy who said he did not know about the consequences, he had just imitated a friend doing it, so he also did same. However, this boy is also in Hell in much pain for having a tattoo on his body.”
A detailed explanation of Leviticus 19:28.
Here is a detailed explanation of Leviticus 19:28. Satan and demons will use this Bible verse to drag many Christians with tattoos to hell:
You shall not make any cuts on your body [the ancient Pegan practice of mourning a deceased person]. Neither put tattoos on your body [for you are the temple of God, and therefore you degrade and desecrate the image of God]: I am the Lord.

Tattoos are like the interior walls of a church covered in graffiti.

Furthermore, God asks all tattooed Christians thus:
Your body is the temple of God [1 Corinthians 6:19-20]. How would you feel walking into your church and discovering that all of its interior walls have recently been painted in graffiti? Would you not consider leaving this church for a more decent place?
Christians with tattoos are rebelling against our Heavenly Father.
Considering all of the above, tattooed Christians are rebelling against God. Satan will use this rebellion to drag them into hell.
Tattoos can actually lead a Christian to Hell
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