Ten things you can do to keep demons away

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Alt=Ten things you can do to keep demons away.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, Satan‘s aim is to deny Christians the peace of Jesus Christ. The Devil is always tormenting Christians with demons.

In this spiritual war there are some things you can do to keep demons out of your home, working place, your car, or any other location. In this article I show you ten things you can do to keep demons away.


Praying invites God’s presence, holy fire, and God’s angels. These three will keep demons out of your location.

Reading God’s word in the Bible.

When you read the Bible, you invite God’s presence and angels in your location. Demons will flee from you.

Reading loudly particular Psalms.

The Bible contains very powerful spiritual war Psalms like Psalm 3, Psalm 35, and Psalm 91. Reading loudly such Psalms will drive demons out of your location.

The Blood of Jesus Christ.

Demons will not step in any location where you have put the blood of Jesus. Just pray a simple prayer below to cover your location with the Blood of Jesus:


In Jesus’s name I cover this place with the Blood of Jesus Christ. I declare that no demon will step in this place.


Binding and casting away demons.

You can bind all the demons within your location and cast them away.

Worship and praise.

Worshiping and praising God invite God’s presence at your location. Demons will not come where God’s presence is. This is what happened when David played worship music near King Saul.

Playing recorded worship music.

You can keep demons away from your location by playing continuous worship music. Such music does not need to be very loud. Continuous low volume worship music can chase away evil spirits from your location as well.

Closing doors used by demons.

Demons have their own doors they use to enter any premise. You can lay your hands on the walls or your body and pray the prayer below to close such doors:


In Jesus’s name I close all the doors demons were using to enter this premise. I declare that no demon will enter this place.



Meditating on God’s written word.

This works when you go to bed. As you gather sleep, meditate on your favorite Bible verses. Such meditation will keep evil spirits out of your sleep.

Inviting God’s presence.

You can actually invite God’s presence by your spoken word. Speaking the words below will chase evil spirits away from your location:


Father in Heaven, let your presence come to this place.

Holy Spirit, come and dwell in this place.

Lord Jesus Christ, come and dwell in this place.





Ten things you can do to keep demons away.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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