Dear reader, God holds you responsible for raising your child in the ways of God’s Kingdom. This article shows you how to raise your child in the ways of God.
The basis of this message.
This post is based on what God said in Proverbs 22:6,
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
My personal story.
I grew up in a non-Christian family and my parents passed away when I was very young. The devil planned to destroy me completely, like he did with my parents, but God had good plans for me. At the age of 8, I was taken to a primary school built and run by the Anglican Church.
What I loved most about this school was the Bible stories that were read to our class every Friday morning. I was always fascinated by the power of God shown in Bible stories like Moses and the miracles he performed in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, David and Goliath, Jesus feeding the 5,000, and many others.
Little did I know that God was planting a seed in my soul that sprouted as I grew up. This early training led me to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 25. After my salvation, God entrusted me with the ministry of writing for His Kingdom.
The 12 Ways toTrain Your Child in God’s Way.
Go to church together with your child.
Teach your child to honor Sundays always.
Pray together with your child.
Teach your child how to pray, starting with the Lord’s prayer.
Ask your child to pray for food before eating.
Buy your child a picture Bible picture stories in the Bible will excite your child and build up his faith in God and Jesus.
Buy your child Biblical movies like “Prince of Egypt“
Teach your child to tell the truth always. Discipline your child for telling lies.
Tech your child to give offerings in the church.
Teach your child to tithe.
Teach your child to respect parents.
Let your marriage be an example to your child.