Overcoming the demonic powers invoked by the pipe smokers of Africa
As a matter of fact, in East Africa, evil individuals, under the guidance of witches, can invoke demonic activity by smoking traditional pipes. They do this to bring good luck to themselves or to bring bad luck to their enemies. Interestingly, this practice is very common among women, especially those involved in business and those who want to have rich sexual partners. To get better results, the latter first undress and smoke their pipes naked, exhaling the smoke from the pipe towards their private parts. During all the smoking sessions, these people make rhythmic phrases calling the demons and commanding these evil spirits what to do.
Believe it or not, some of these pipe smokers get their results, especially if their targets are not protected by the power of God. In fact, this success is reflected in an old local question asked in central Uganda to people whose temperament or mood suddenly changes. One might ask such a person: “Simanyi bakufuyidde emmindi,” which means “Has a pipe smoker bewitched you?”
Therefore, this article presents six ways of overcoming the demonic powers invoked by the pipe smokers of Africa
1. First, trust in God with all your heart.
2. Second, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
3. Third, always cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus.
4. Additionally, walk in righteousness before God. Sin opens doors for demons to enter your life.
5. Also, live a prayerful life.
I remember one time I was fast asleep at night and I had a very vivid dream in which someone was practicing this type of witchcraft against me. In this dream, the Lord showed me my elderly coworker smoking a traditional pipe. I knew this old man very well.
As he smoked, he kept exhaling the smoke in my direction and pointed his index finger at me. At the same time, he sent curses in my direction. As he continued, I suddenly woke up. In the morning, the Lord asked me to tell this man my dream.
I did exactly what the Lord told me. This old man was so shocked and embarrassed that he had never practiced this type of witchcraft against me.