The great cloud of witnesses in Heaven

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Alt=The great cloud of witnesses in Heaven




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, you may find some difficulty believing what I am about to tell you, but it is the real truth. In Heaven there is a place where heavenly dwellers gather to look down on Earth, to see what is happening to their relatives and friends on Earth.

This is the great cloud of witnesses in Heaven (see Hebrews 12:1).

Why heavenly inhabitants look at Earth.

These heavenly dwellers stand at a point of observation in Heaven to see whether there is anything good happening to their relatives and friends on Earth.

Newborn children.

The witnesses in Heaven become so happy when they see that their relatives and friends on Earth have got new babies.

Family gatherings.

The cloud of witnesses in Heaven watch their families and friends gathered in happiness or in sorrows.

New salvation in Jesus Christ.

The cloud of witnesses in Heaven rejoice greatly when they watch from Heaven and see any of their family members or friends on Earth accepting Jesus Christ to be the Lord of their lives.

Other inhabitants in Heaven rush to the person whose relative or friend on Earth has turned to Christ to congratulate that person.

Dying in the Lord.

Nothing in Heaven excites the cloud of witnesses more than a relative or friend on Earth who dies in the Lord. The concerned heavenly dweller will shout praises to God when he sees a relative or friend on Earth who dies in the Lord.

Other inhabitants in Heaven will join him to congratulate him about that relative or friend who has died in the Lord.

Rushing to the Gate of Heaven.

As soon as a person dies in the Lord on Earth, and the angels prepare to bring that person to Heaven, his family members in the cloud of witnesses in Heaven rush to the gate of Heaven to welcome him.






Prayer that blocks Satan.


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2 Responses

  1. teresa Franklin

    is this information about what the great
    cloud of witnesses are doing in heaven in the bible. i can’t fathom nd it. I just lost my mother and it would be so helpful to me to be able to find that information in the Bible. I do know that there is a great cloud of witnesses, but I’d like to find the other information that you have shared with us about what you’re doing.

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