Dear reader, because of their great desire for fame and glory, some Christians have unknowingly entered the devil’s territory. As a result, these six pastors have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan.
1. Pastors who perform miracles using occult powers.
If any pastor is not contented with the power of the Holy Spirit and goes ahead to seek the occult for greater powers, then that pastor has unknowingly made a pact with Satan.

2. Pastors who perform animal or human sacrifices.
Second, if, because of the desire for glory, a pastor is moved to make animal or human sacrifices, then that pastor has unknowingly signed a permanent agreement with Satan. That agreement has been sealed by the blood of that sacrifice. It will be difficult indeed for that pastor to enter heaven.
3. Pastors who no longer fear sin.
Third, a pastor who no longer fears sin has already shifted from God’s kingdom to the territory of Satan. Since sin pleases Satan, then that pastor has already unknowingly signed an agreement with the devil.

4. Pastors who no longer fear hell.
As a matter of fact, a true Christian will shudder when the word hell is mentioned. Therefore, any pastor who no longer fears hell has already crossed over to the devil’s side. Such pastor is already in agreement with Satan. He knows that he can no longer be reconciled with God, and hell is inevitable.
5. Pastors who accept bribes.
Also, a pastor unknowingly signs a pact with the devil if he accepts a bribe.

6. Pastors who hide the truth.
Furthermore, if any pastor, for one reason or another, conceals the truth and instead presents falsehood, then that pastor is no longer on the side of God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. That person has has already crossed over and signed a pact with Satan.