Dear reader, there are many reasons why you may lie awake in bed instead of sleeping. This article introduces you to the spiritual meaning of being sleepless in bed.
You are under spiritual attack.
Firstly, if you end up not sleeping in bed, chances are you or the person you know is under spiritual attack in some way. Unseen negative forces are attacking you or the life of someone you know.
God wants you out of bed.
All things considered, when you find yourself sleepless, the first thing God wants you to do is get out of bed. Therefore, you will make things worse if you continue in bed.
Our Heavenly Father wants you to pray.
After getting out of bed, God wants you to have a private place where you can pray. Begin by thanking Heavenly Father for all the good things He has done for you.
Then pray the Lord’s Prayer and then use the written word of God in the Bible to counterattack the spiritual forces that keep you up at night.
After praying for your own life, intercede for someone you think may be in need or in trouble.
Ask God to give you peace.
More importantly, you cannot handle anxiety and insomnia on your own. Our Heavenly Father wants you to entrust all your cares, concerns, and burdens to Him.
Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7:
Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].
Ask God to come and dwell in you.
In general, lack of sleep is caused by the evil spirits of anxiety, fear, worry and despair. Your body is not made to accommodate these demonic forces. Rather, the human body was created to be the temple of God.
Therefore, place both of your hands on top of your head and ask our Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in you.
After this action and prayer, go back to bed and, I promise you, you will sleep soundly.
The spiritual meaning of being sleepless in bed.