This article is not about politics but rather shows how God has endowed specific individuals with rare intellectual abilities. This African President has the highest IQ.
Who is this gifted African President?
To begin with, let me introduce you to this African President I am talking about in this article. He is actually President Museveni of Uganda. Anyone who has interacted with this man will agree with me that he has a very high IQ.
Yoweri Museveni is like King Solomon.
To whom can I compare President Museveni of Uganda? I cannot compare him to any other African President but rather to King Solomon in the Bible. God has endowed President Museveni with wisdom and great insight, as well as a breadth of understanding as immeasurable as the sand on the seashore (see 1 Kings 4:29).
His Memory.
First of all, God has endowed President Yoweri Museveni with an excellent memory. At the age of 80, he can memorize with exceptional accuracy events that happened when he was still seven years old. Interestingly, he can accurately memorize every person he has met in his life, giving details of the exact time, date, place and topics discussed.
Secondly, Museveni has thousands of proverbs in his head from his Ankole tribe and other African languages. He rarely speaks without quoting a proverb. Interestingly, this was one of the attributes of King Solomon, who was the wisest man on earth.
Listen to what is written in the Bible:
He [King Solomon] spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs were one thousand and five.
1 Kings 4:32
Museveni the Historian.
Thirdly, President Museveni is a great historian. He can describe with great accuracy past events going back to the creation of man. For example, Museveni knows much more about European history than most Europeans. No wonder a recent East African Community summit declared Museveni a “Walking encyclopedia.” (see: EAC Leaders caught off guard by Museveni’s bold speech at 25th Anniversary!)
Museveni the scientist.
Fourth, Museveni has never mastered any scientific subject, but he always speaks like a scientist. I remember one time he was meeting with secondary school students and he accurately described to them the chemical process of extracting iron from iron ore. These students were very impressed by Museveni.
Regarding this topic, during the COVID-19 pandemic, after doctors met Museveni and informed him about the nature of the COVID-9 virus and how to prevent it, he became a great educator on the pandemic, better than any medical doctor in Uganda. As a result, he was recently given a global award for his rare health education abilities.
Museveni the mathematician.
Also, if you listen to his budget speeches or his speeches on the economy of Uganda and Africa, Museveni can accurately perform complex mathematical calculations in seconds, without using a calculator.
The names of his 40,000 cows.
Interestingly, this African president owns about 40,000 heads of cattle, and he has given each cow or bull a special name. Surprisingly, when he walks through his herd, he remembers the name of each cow or bull precisely and when he calls them, each responds positively with a loud moo sound, as if saying “I am here, Your Excellency.”

A great sense of humor.
Furthermore, as a sign of his high IQ, President Museveni is a man of great humor. He rarely speaks in public without cracking a joke that makes the listener laugh. This attribute shows Museveni’s great cognitive ability.
Emotional intelligence.
Seventh, Museveni has the uncanny ability to perceive, use, understand, manage and control his emotions. For example, he may receive negative intelligence reports about a person, but it takes him a year or more to act on that person.
The Author is an international Christian writer.