Dear reader, have you ever wondered what Heavenly Father is doing in heaven right now? Is he resting on his throne or doing something else? Like you, I had similar questions until one night the Lord took my soul to heaven in a dream. This is how our Heavenly Father spends his time in heaven.
What does our Heavenly Father look like?
In the dream I had, God our Father actually looked like a human being. He gave off the image of an honorable and excellent president in charge of the entire universe.
Moreover, the glory and aura that surrounds our Heavenly Father is greater than all the glories of all the presidents, kings, and royals of the world combined.
Does Heavenly Father sit alone?
On the contrary, no. Our Heavenly Father does not sit alone in heaven. In the dream I had, he was sitting with two other people who also looked like glorious human beings.
The three people sat in a triangular formation, with Heavenly Father occupying the best corner of this equidistant triangular formation.
Just as importantly, it was supernaturally revealed to me that one of the other two people was Jesus Christ and the second was the Holy Spirit. Our Heavenly Father sits with these two people in heaven all the time.

Our Heavenly Father is more honorable than the other two.
In the dream I had, I realized that Heavenly Father is more honorable than the other two people I mentioned. He was like the commander-in-chief of the other two.
My other observation was that he was the first to speak before the other two. When Heavenly Father speaks, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit listen attentively.
The three are always happy in communion.
It is interesting to note that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are not silent as one might think. They always talk happily to each other. They rub shoulders day and night without stopping.
Strangely, I saw them talking, but I didn’t understand what they were talking about. Most likely, they were discussing human affairs on planet Earth and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Each held a communion glass of heavenly fruit juice.
Also, in this dream, I noticed that each of the three was holding a glass of a communion fruit juice that looked like passion fruit juice to me. In this dream it was revealed to me that this juice was extracted from the fruits of the Tree of Life located in heaven.
Moreover, each of the three drank this refreshing juice of heavenly communion at will and with great joy. Every time they drank this heavenly fruit juice, they were revitalized as if seven thousand more years were added to their lives.
This confirmed to me once again that the three of them still had camaraderie and were constantly sharing ideas.

My soul was quickly returned to earth.
As I continued to look at these three glorious figures, the person who looked like Heavenly Father thanked me for the excellent job of building the church.
Then suddenly my soul was returned to my body in my bedroom. I woke up feeling my heart filled with a sacred fire. I realized that it had been a glorious dream.
This is how our heavenly Father spends his time in heaven.