This substance is most feared by Satan and demons.

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This substance is most feared by Satan and demons.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, there is a substance that is most feared by all demons and Satan. Demons will never come near a place where this substance has been placed. In this article, I will tell you what this substance is and why demons fear it.

Here is the real name of this substance.

I know you are eager to know what kind of substance drives out demons. The substance I am talking about is actually the Blood of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus died on the cross, He was pierced for our transgressions. God used the Blood of Jesus to deliver you from the grip of Satan and demons. The Blood that Jesus shed became the Blood of the Covenant.

Why the Blood of Jesus is so powerful.

There are two main reasons why the Blood of Jesus is so powerful. First, since it is under the covenant, the Blood of Jesus can be compared to a legal document. Just as you can use a legal document to win legal battles, you can use the Blood of Jesus as a legal document to win any battle against Satan and demons.

Second, the blood has life. It speaks. Even after death, your blood will continue to speak.

Listen to what happened to Abel’s blood:


Then the LORD said, ‘What have you done? Hear! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.


 Genesis 4:10


In the same way, whenever you apply the Blood of Jesus, it always cries out to God asking Him to intervene on your behalf.

God values ​​the Blood of Jesus so much that He will always send His warrior angels and heavenly fire to destroy every evil force against you. That is why the devil and all demons will never set foot where you have applied the Blood of Jesus Christ.




Prayer that blocks Satan.


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