This will make your prayer to God very powerful

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This will make your prayer to God very powerful.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, how can I compare the prayer you make to our Father in Heaven? I can only compare your prayer to a rocket being sent into space to the Moon.

This space rocket needs a booster that will give it a lot of power to reach the Moon. Some space rockets fail to reach their destination because they did not get enough energy.

In the same way the prayer you make to God needs a booster. Some prayers fail to reach our Father in Heaven because they do not have powerful spiritual boosters.

In this article I am going to show you one spiritual booster that will make your prayer to God very powerful. Your prayer will reach God quickly.

Here is how you can make your prayer very powerful.

If you want to make your prayer very powerful then, as you pray, quote the written word of God from the Bible. Quoting the written word of God related to your situation makes your prayer very powerful. Your prayer will reach God very fast.

God’s written word in the Bible is like an agreement.

The written word of God in the Bible is like an agreement. An agreement our Father in Heaven has already made with his people on Earth.

When you quote the written word in the Bible as you pray, our Father in Heaven will give you a lot of attention. He will give you whatever you are asking for.

God’s written word is like an article in a country’s constitution.

Dear reader, I do not know whether you are familiar with court cases. If you want to win any case, in any country in this world, you have to quote the applicable article in that country’s constitution.

The judge will rule in your favor if you argue your case in relation to an article written in the constitution. The same applies to our Father in Heaven.

God will rule in your favor if you quote his written word in the Bible. God will send his angels quickly to help you.

God will quickly answer your prayer.

As soon as you quote God’s written word in your prayer, our Father in Heaven will send his angels with an answer.

A very good example.

When you are praying for victory over your enemies, then pray like this:


Father in heaven, you said in your written word that you will fight those who are fighting me (Isaiah 49:25), please help me fight those who have risen up against me.


When you pray like this, your prayer will bypass the Devil and all demons in space. Your prayer will reach God without any obstruction.

God will quickly send his angels to crush your enemies.






Prayer that blocks Satan.




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