Top 10 animals used by Satan and demons for dangerous missions.

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Top 10 animals used by Satan and demons for dangerous missions.



Makko Musagara



Dear reader, you may not believe this, but it is true. What I am about to tell you is most common in all developing countries where many persons use the Devil for empowerment. They use Satan and demons to send curses or death to their enemies.

Satan and demons use some animals, birds, and insects for  very dangerous missions. In the beginning, when our Father in Heaven created the Garden of Eden, Satan used the serpent to destroy Adam and Eve’s blessings. The Devil used a serpent to bring disease and death on the newly created Earth.

In this article I bring you a countdown of the Top 10 animals used by the Devil and demons for dangerous missions on Earth. The only way to repel attacks by these agents of the Devil is to receive Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, and to live a prayerful life.


10. House flies

The Devil uses demonic flies to carry curses from dirty places to the food any Christian is about to eat. This is the main reason why we have to pray and bless food before we eat. Our Lord Jesus Christ always blessed the food before eating. The Devil also uses flies to spy on people’s conversations.

9. Red ants

Satan and demons use demonic red ants to attack target individuals or homes. Only the power of Jesus Christ can stop these ants from invading your premises.

8. Bees.

Satan and demons use demonic bees to attack targeted individuals, homes, schools, and other inhabited facilities. Only the power of Jesus Christ can stop bee attacks.


7. Pigeons

Witches, Satanists, and Occultists deploy demonic pigeons to carry misfortune and death. Only the power of Jesus Christ can cancel these misfortunes and deaths.

6. Goats

The blood of goats is used by witches, Satanists, and occultists to appease Satan and demons. Demons become so powerful and destructive after drinking goat blood. Only the power of Jesus can stop such demons.


5. Specific types of chicken.

Like goats, the blood of chicken is used by witches, Satanists, and occultists to appease Satan and demons.

4. Mice.

Witches, Satanists, and Occultists deploy demonic rats to target homes for the purpose of causing poverty and misery in those homes. Only the power of Jesus can chase such rats from premises.

3. Cats

Witches, Satanists, and Occultists use demonic cats to curse and bring death to targeted homes. Only the power of Jesus Christ can deliver you from such wicked cats.

2. Owls

Satan and demons enter owls to curse individuals, families, and whole communities. Such owls bring about death and misfortune. Only the power of Jesus Christ can chase away such owls.

1. Snakes.

Snakes are the number one animal used by the Devil, witches, Satanists, and occultists. Satan and demons can enter into serpents as it was in the Garden of Eden. Only the power of Jesus Christ can deliver you from serpent powers.

Snakes are the number one animal used by the Devil, witches, Satanists, and occultists.



Top 10 animals used by Satan and demons for dangerous missions.



Prayer that blocks Satan.


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