Dear reader, Satan and the demons cannot stay where certain Christian songs are sung. This article presents to you the top 10 Christian songs that chase away demons.
As a matter of fact, when these songs are sung, they invite the presence of God and the angels of God. Satan and demons cannot stay in such a place.
1. Any song worshiping God the Father.
First, Satan and demons fear God the Father. Therefore, they will not dwell in places where our Heavenly Father’s name is exalted.

2. A song worshiping God the Son, Jesus Christ.
Secondly, God the Father has exalted the name of Jesus Christ above all other names. For this reason, Satan and the demons will feel a lot of fire when a song worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ is sung.

3. A song worshiping God the Holy Spirit.
In addition, any song exalting the Holy Spirit will attract the presence of God. Hence, Satan and demons will flee from places where such a song is sung.

4. Any song exalting the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Also, it is written in Revelation 12:10-11 that Christians have overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Satan and demons will not dwell in a place where Christians exalt the blood of Jesus Christ.
5. Any song with the words Hallelujah.
Equally important, Hallelujah is a very powerful expression of worship in Heaven and on Earth. Therefore, Satan and demons do not want to stay in places where a Christian mentions Hallelujah.
6. A song exalting the holiness of God the Father.
Furthermore, Satan and demons are all sinful creatures. They hate holiness. Consequently they will not stay in places where a song is sung mentioning the holiness of God the Father.

7. A song quoting the written word of God directly from the Bible.
As a matter of fact, the written word of God is very powerful. Therefore Satan and demons will not stay in places where Bible verses are spoken in song.
Precisely, any Christian song will scare Satan and demons if it contains the written word of God taken directly from the Bible.
8. Instrumental music exalting God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Similarly, Satan and demons will not stay in places where instrumental music is played exalting God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

9. Songs of repentance.
Equally important, songs expressing repentance and surrender to God will attract God’s mercy and presence. As a result, Satan and the demons will know that they have lost the battle. They will flee any place where such songs are sung.

10. Songs sung in Heaven.
The Bible mentions specific songs sung by angels in heaven. Generally speaking, Satan and the demons will flee if such songs are sung by Christians here on Earth.
Very good examples of these celestial songs are found in Isaiah 6:3, Luke 2:13-14 and Revelation 4:8.

Top 10 Christian songs that chase away demons.