Dear reader, this article shares with you the ten things that annoy Satan the most.
10. Every true Church of God.
First, Satan is very annoyed with the true churches of God. Churches whose head is Jesus Christ and believe in the written word of God in the Bible. These churches keep God’s commandments and send out their members to win lost souls for Christ. Such churches are focused on heavenly rewards and eternal life.
9. A repentant person turning to God.
Second, Satan and demons are very bothered by anyone who repents of their sins and asks God for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Satan knows that such a person has abandoned his kingdom and entered the Kingdom of God.
8. A Christian who fasts.
Furthermore, Satan is very annoyed with any Christian who abstains from eating and drinking to focus on a period of spiritual growth for the glory of God. Fasting gives the Christian the strength to overcome many obstacles posed by the devil. Fasting frees Satan’s prisoners.
7. A Christian heading to heaven.
Also, Satan is annoyed by any Christian who is headed to heaven. The devil will order the demons to do everything they can to divert this Christian to hell.
6. Every Christian seeking holiness or righteousness.
As a matter of fact, the devil and demons are always angered by Christians who seek holiness. Satan and demons find it very difficult to attack and defeat such Christians.
5. A Christian reading and quoting the written Word of God in the Bible.
The written and spoken Word of God is very destructive to Satan’s Kingdom. Satan and demons are annoyed by any Christian who reads and quotes the word of God in the Bible.
4. Christians who bind and cast out demons.
In addition, Satan is annoyed by Christians who bind and cast out his demons. Binding demons renders them inactive. Rejecting bound demons means Satan may never see them again.
3. A Christian in prayer.
Prayer causes much destruction to Satan’s kingdom by freeing its captives. This is why Satan hates every Christian who prays.
2. Anyone turning the lost souls to Jesus Christ.
Satan hates God’s ministers who turn people away from his kingdom to the Kingdom of Heaven through Jesus Christ.
1. Anyone mentioning the Name of Jesus Christ in the presence of Satan.
Satan falls and hits his head hard against the ground every time the Name of Jesus Christ is spoken in his presence.
Sometimes he suffers injury because of the Name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Satan may never forgive anyone who mentions the Name of Jesus Christ in his presence.