Two ways to escape hell when you die.
Dear reader, after death, many Christians will discover that going to heaven is not as easy as they thought. Some very minor sins can prevent many Christians from entering heaven. In this article, I will show you two ways that any person, Christian or non-Christian, can go directly to heaven after death.
Obstacles to Heaven.
Many Christians do not take their salvation in Jesus Christ seriously and unknowingly commit simple sins that can prevent them from entering heaven.
Other Christians take God’s grace too far, expecting Him to cover all their intentional sins under that grace. As a result, after death, many Christians end up in hell instead of heaven.
Two Ways to Go Directly to Heaven.
Any person, Christian or non-Christian, can go directly to heaven if, at the time of death, they do one of two things.
Call upon the name of Jesus.
If at the time of your death you invoke the name of Jesus, rest assured that you will go to heaven.
A Muslim found in heaven.
During the Rwandan genocide of 1994, a group of killers approached a hospital ward near Kigali, Rwanda. They were determined to kill everyone in a ward where many patients were hiding.
As they heard the voices of these killers approaching, most of the patients panicked in terror and began crying for mercy. A Christian named Emmanuel Twagirimana, who had been hospitalized due to severe injuries from bombs, calmed them down and asked everyone to invoke the name of Jesus. Many did so, including a Muslim.
When the ferocious killers entered that hospital ward, they found all the patients invoking the name of Jesus. This made them think twice. They said to each other, “It seems that all these people are born-again Christians. These are the people who shout like that.”
They then asked the terrified patients, “Are you all born-again Christians?” All the patients answered “YES!” in unison, including the Muslim man. The killers then said, “Let’s leave them” and left that ward!
Later, during his near-death experience, Pastor Emmanuel was shocked to find the same Muslim man with Jesus in Heaven. He asked Jesus how this man who was a Muslim in Rwanda was here in Heaven.
Jesus replied,
He is here because when he was dying, he called on my name, and I saved him from death in Hell.
Idi Amin’s Firing Squads.
I was a little boy during the violent regime of Idi Amin in Uganda. One day, he faced armed opposition and decided to teach all his enemies a lesson they would never forget. He arranged for dozens of his enemies to be publicly executed by military firing squads. These firing squads shocked the world.
The reason I am writing about these firing squads is because something strange happened to the victims just before they were shot. Their executors allowed them to say their last prayers. In fact, some Ugandan bishops were invited to lead some of these victims in their last prayers. What a blessing!
Later, one of these bishops testified that he saw the beaming faces of these men as soon as they called on the name of Jesus! I believe that many of these men who called on the name of Jesus are now with Jesus in heaven.
The second way to go directly to heaven.
Another way for any Christian to go directly to heaven is when at the very moment of your death, you repent of all your sins by asking for God’s forgiveness in the name of Jesus. If you do this at the moment of your death, rest assured that you will go directly to heaven to be with Jesus.
Two ways to escape hell when you die.