Unexplained illness comes from Satan and demons

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Unexplained illness comes from Satan and demons.




 Makko Musagara




Dear reader, have you heard someone say that they visited several doctors and could not find the cause of their illness? This article shows you that unexplained illnesses come from Satan and demons.

Demons of illness.

To begin with, we must know that Satan has demons that can enter your body and cause any type of illness.

The woman who was paralyzed by demons for 18 years.

First, the Bible mentions a woman who was crippled by Satan for eighteen years. Doctors failed to diagnose this problem until our Lord Jesus Christ realized that it was Satan and demons who were causing this suffering.

Listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ said about this woman:


Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?


Luke 13:16



Jesus realized that most illnesses were caused by demons.

In fact, most of the illnesses handled by our Lord Jesus Christ were caused by demons. Although you may not find the word “demon” in any medical textbook, this word is repeated 25 times in the book of Luke, 18 times in the book of Matthew, and 17 times in the book of Mark.


Alt=Unexplained illness comes from Satan and demons
Always pray for the sick.


Jesus never used medicine.

Furthermore, during his ministry on earth, Jesus never used medicine to heal the sick. He knew that most of the sick people presented to him were oppressed by demons. He always cast out these demons and the sick were set free.

Always pray for the sick.

Although we have medical facilities everywhere, our Lord Jesus Christ has given you authority. Before considering a medical facility, the first thing to do is pray for that sick person. Your prayer will make the difference in subduing and expelling the demons of the disease.

Listen to what the written word of God says in James 5:15:


And prayer offered in faith will heal the sick; the Lord will raise him up. If he sins, he will be forgiven.


James 5:15





How to cast out demons.

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