Dear reader, every person on earth has an assignment from Heavenly Father, although most people don’t know it. In this article I present to you four ways to discover your divine assignment
God’s judgement will focus on your divine assignment.
On judgement day you will stand before God’s throne in heaven and books will be opened. Then you will be judged with questions focusing on your divine assignment. As a matter of fact, it will be difficult for you to enter Heaven if you never responded to your divine call during your time on earth.
Ask our Heavenly Father.
The first step to knowing your divine assignment is to get down on your knees and ask God this question:
My Father in Heaven,
what have you assigned me to do on earth?
Surely, God will respond to your question one way or another.
Always attend Sunday church services.
If you attend Sunday church services regularly, a day will come when you discover God’s assignment for your life on earth.
As a child, Jesus always went to church to know better God’s mission for his life. Listen to what Jesus told his parents:
“Why were you searching for me?” he asked.
“Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”[f]
But they did not understand what he was saying to them.
I discovered my divine call during a Sunday Church service.
Many years ago I was in a state of confusion because I didn’t know what God wanted me to do. Then one Sunday church service a visiting apostle of God pointed to the exact spot where I was seated. He first described my face to emphasize that the message was for me.
Then he said these prophetic words:
You man,
stop being confused
because God has called you to write for his kingdom.
I see you with a pen writing, and writing,
and writing, and writing for God’s Kingdom.
God is telling you to wake up from your confusion
and do what you are supposed to do.
This is how my ministry of writing for God began.
Examine your life history.
If you study your life history, you can find out what God actually wants you to do during your time on earth. At fifteen years of age David looked back at his life and found that he had been taking good care of his father’s sheep and protecting them from wild animals.
Eventually, David realized that God was raising him to be a great leader and protector of people.
My own life story.
When I look back at my own life story, I am one hundred percent sure that God raised me up to write for His Kingdom.
Seek counsel from true prophets of God.
Heavenly Father has appointed prophets in every part of the world to guide God’s people. A visit to two or three prophets of God will give you a clear picture of your divine assignment.
You won’t enter Heaven, if you never acted on your divine assignment.