Your deceased loved one is still alive!

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Your deceased loved one is still alive.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, have you lost a beloved relative? If that person has died in the Lord, do not worry or grieve anymore. That person is living happily with the Lord. In this article, I will tell you why your deceased relative is still alive.

My late mother-in-law.

About fourteen years ago I lost my dear mother-in-law. She was a wonderful, calm woman with a true heart of Jesus Christ. At the age of about 70 she passed away due to heart complications.

My wife was devastated by her death because after losing her father when she was young, her mother was everything to her. For many months my wife would wake up crying, after remembering her late mother. I was in a state of confusion as I did not know what to do to comfort her.

The heavenly dream that changed my wife.

One night, my wife had a wonderful heavenly dream. In this dream, my wife found herself in a very beautiful heavenly landscape. As she continued to admire the flowers and the birds singing, she suddenly saw a white bus coming towards her. The bus stopped not far from where she was standing, and out of it came her late mother!

My mother-in-law was not the old mom we used to see on earth. She looked like she did when she was at 20 years of age! Her facial skin was so smooth and shiny. My mother-in-law didn’t have the wrinkles she had on Earth. She didn’t have the pain she had when she was dying in the hospital on earth. Also, she was putting on a very shiny white dress that looked like a wedding dress.

My wife was so happy to see her late mother in such a beautiful and happy shape. So, in this dream, my wife ran to hug her. My mother-in-law stopped her saying, “No, you can’t come this way because your time hasn’t come.” She went back on the white bus and disappeared!

My wife violently woke me from my deep sleep to tell me the exciting news.

“I saw my mom! I saw my mom! I saw my mom!” my wife exclaimed.

“Where did you see your mom? Is she in our living room? Or in our kitchen?”

“I saw her in heaven! She is living happily in heaven! She is with the Lord!”

From that date until now my wife has never cried for her mom. She is convinced that her mom is in the safe hands of our Lord! This is the reason why I assure you that her deceased relative is still alive.



Prayer that blocks Satan.


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