Your Heaven wedding card.
Dear reader, count yourself blessed (Revelation 19:9). You may not believe this, but it is happening before your very eyes. God has sent you this special invitation card (above) for a wedding ceremony in Heaven.
The wedding.
This wedding will be like no other famous wedding you have ever seen or heard of on earth. It will be like no other famous earthly royal wedding you have ever read about.
This wedding will take place in Heaven.
The chief guest.
The chief guest will be our Father in Heaven. You have all along been longing to see how our Heavenly Father looks like. This wedding will be your opportunity to see his real heavenly glory.
The Bridegroom.
The Bridegroom will be the Lamb of God, who is Jesus Christ.
The Bride.
The bride will be the church of Jesus Christ. If you have been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, then be sure you will be among the bride.
You will be putting on fine white linen, bright and pure—for this fine linen will be your righteous deeds you are doing now on earth (Revelation 19:8).
The Chief Usher.
The Chief Usher will be the Holy Spirit. He will be overseeing thousands and thousands of heavenly angels serving you and thousands and thousands others who were redeemed by the Lord.
God’s heavenly angels will make the choir. Just like the one they made when Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem (Luke 2:13-14).
Date of the wedding.
This wedding can take place any time from now. What you must do to prepare yourself is to keep yourself pure by doing righteous acts and hating sin in all its forms.
As I have already mentioned, the brilliant-white linen you will put on for that wedding will be made of the righteous acts you are doing on earth now (Revelation 19:8).