Your hidden treasure.
Dear reader, God has given many Christians heavenly treasures. Unfortunately, they have never used them and instead have decided to bury them in the ground. In this post I talk about these hidden treasures.
What are these heavenly treasures?
The heavenly treasures I am talking about are the divine assignments God has given to each individual to accomplish as a way of expanding God’s Kingdom on earth.
To some God assigned pastors, evangelists, prophets, apostles, teachers, while others he assigned them leadership, hospitality, financing God’s work, music, counselling, children, youths, health, helping the marrieds, men’s and women’s ministries.
Why people hide God’s assignments.
Many Christians hide their God-given assignments because of fear. Satan knows that God has assigned them work so he sends demons of fear into their lives. They start fearing the unknowns, they fear starting, they fear failing, they fear everything. For that reason they decide to hide or bury their divine assignments.
The Parable of the hidden gold.
In the parable of the hidden gold (Mathew 25:14-30), one of the servants was given a heavenly treasure but he was so much afraid of putting it to use. Because of fear, he just buried it into the ground. When God asked why he did not do his divine assignment he said:
“So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.” Mathew 25:25
In this parable, God severely condemned this man.
Jesus compared divine assignments to precious pearls.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Mathew 13:45-46
Your divine assignment is like a hidden pearl. When you find out what it is, go and sell whatever you have to ensure you do what God instructed you to do so that you have rewards in Heaven.