If you ask me what my greatest fear in life is, I will tell you, without hesitation, that hell is what scares me the most. Every Christian should fear hell. And if you fear hell, you will always stay away from sin. This article presents ten reasons why you should fear hell.
1. Hell is real.
First, hell is real. Don’t be deceived that Hell does not exist.
2. Hell is too hot.
Second, hell is hotter than any other place. You can’t compare the temperatures measurable on earth with the high temperatures of hell. We’re probably talking about temperatures in excess of 1,000,000 degrees Celsius (1,800,000 degrees Fahrenheit).
3. Hell is everlasting.
Third, hell is not a one year, or a million year phenomenon. You stay in Hell for ever and ever!.
4. The stench in Hell is unbearable.
Additionally, if God opened for you the gate to hell for only one second, the stench can choke you for your entire life.
5. Hell is full of torment.
Also, millions of demons dwell in Hell to torment those who are thrown there.
6. Hell’s torment is worse for backslidden Christians.
Furthermore, Hell’s torment is worse for individuals who were strong in Christ but fell away.
7. Hell is full of scorching thirst.
If you want to experience the thirst in hell, read Luke 16:19-31
8. Hell is full of cries for mercy.
Also, if you were to spend only one second in hell, the cries for mercy would overwhelm you.
9. No one can rescue you out of Hell.
Moreover, when you enter hell, no one can save you. In fact, neither the police nor the commandos can save you from hell.
10. A small sin may lead you to Hell.
Sometimes it is not necessary to commit a serious sin like murder. A small sin like looking at a woman or man with lust can land you in hell.
10 Reasons Why You Should Fear Hell.