Dear reader, is there any way someone can tell that a particular Christian fears God? In this article, I give you 10 signs showing a Christian fears God.
Refusing to tell lies.
If a Christian fears telling lies, then that person respects our Father in Heaven. Not only that, that Christian fears perishing into Hell.
Not easily annoyed.
If a Christian is not easily annoyed, then that person has great respect for our Father in Heaven. God is a person who is slow to anger (Exodus 34:6).
Easily forgives.
If a Christian easily forgives those who have done her wrong, then that Christian has great respect for God. Heaven is so close to that Christian.
Refusing to steal.
If a Christian refuses to steal anything, then that Christian has a lot of respect for our Father in Heaven. That Christian fears perishing into Hell.
Refusing bribes.
If a Christian rejects bribes given in any form, then that Christian has great respect for our Father in Heaven. God will reward that Christian in other ways.
Refusing sexual immorality.
If a Christian stays away from any form of sexual immorality, then that Christian has great respect for our Father in Heaven. This is a sign that this Christian is afraid of perishing into Hell.
Honoring the name of Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
If any Christian honors, in any way, the name of our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, then that Christian has great respect for God.
But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence?
Luke 23:40
Respecting parents.
If a Christian respects her parents, then that Christian has great respect for our Father in Heaven. If your parents have offended you in any way, you have to forgive them for the sake of pleasing God.
If any Christian gives a tithe, then that Christian has great respect for our Father in Heaven. That Christian knows that if it was not God, she would not have got that money.
Hurting another person’s life.
If a Christian fears hurting, in any way, the life of another person, then that Christian fears God.