Dear reader, God’s angels will refuse to open the doors of heaven to some Christians because they told lies when they were still on Earth. In this article I give 10 simple lies that can deny a Christian entry into Heaven.
“I was talking to my Mom”
The door to Heaven can close for a Christian who tells lies about the person he was talking to on phone. If you have been doing this, you better ask for forgiveness from our Father in Heaven. Start telling the truth instead of perishing into Hell.
“I am at my place of work”
Heaven can close its door to a Christian who, while talking on phone, tells lies about his exact location. Start telling the truth about your exact location instead of perishing into Hell.
“I am only 19”
God’s angels can refuse to open the door to Heaven for a Christian who constantly told lies about her exact age when she was still on Earth. If you have been doing this, it is better you ask for forgiveness from our Father in Heaven and start telling people your exact age.
“I promise I will do it”
Heaven can close its doors if you had the habit of deliberately making false promises on Earth. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one (Mathew 5:37).
“I was held up by traffic jam”
If you are a Christian and you deliberately use the excuse of traffic jam for your delays, you may close your entry into Heaven.
“Give me your number, I will call you”
Heaven can close its gates for you if you promised to call someone and you never called that person.
” I do not have any money”
Heaven may close its gates for any Christian who tells lies that he has no money, yet there is a lot of money on his bank account. It is better to give a person the little you can afford, instead of telling lies.
“I will pray for you”
Heaven may close all its gates if you promised to pray for someone on Earth, and you never prayed as you promised.
“I will come”
Heaven may close its gates if you promised someone on Earth to go, when you knew, in you heart, that you would not go. It is better to tell someone that: “I will not come”, instead of perishing into hell.
Faulty weights and measures
Heaven may close its gates to a business person who deliberately used faulty weights and measures on Earth to get profit. God will open the heavens to bless a business person who uses always uses accurate weights and measures.
10 simple lies that can deny a Christian entry into Heaven.