Dear reader, as you walk with God, he will somehow show you the new life you are about to experience. In this article I show you three signs confirming that God is about to promote you.
A newly constructed road.
To see a newly constructed road in a dream or a vision means that our Father in Heaven has a better life for you soon.
The bigger or the more modern the road is, the greater the good things God is about to do for you soon.
God is going to remove the mountains in your life and replace them with beautiful highways.
Listen to what our Heavenly Father is saying about your new blessings:
I will turn all my mountains into roads,
and my highways will be raised up.
To see ripe fruit in front of you.
To see ripe fruit in front of you in a dream or a vision confirms that our Heavenly Father is pleased with you, and you are about to see his blessings soon.
This confirmation becomes more accurate if you see yourself eating some of those ripe fruits.
Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says:
But you, mountains of Israel,
will produce branches and fruit for my people Israel,
for they will soon come home.
Ezekiel 36:8
Climbing steps or moving higher.
To see yourself climbing steps or moving up higher in a dream confirms that Jesus Christ is about to do something better in your life.
Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says:
He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher
than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon.
3 Signs that God is about to promote you.