Dear reader, there are some facts about Satan that are still confusing Christians today. Our Father in Heaven gave me some Bible verses to clarify these truths about the Devil. In this article, I share with you 6 facts about Satan that still confuse Christians today.
How I got these answers.
I got answers to these facts through a supernatural vision. Read here about this supernatural experience.
Can Satan really present himself before God today?
The answer to this question is yes. Satan can present himself before God today. The Lord gave me Job 1:6, and Job 2:1 to confirm this.
Why would Satan present himself before God?
Satan presents himself before God for only one reason. To accuse Christians. Satan accuses Christians so that he gets permission from God to tempt them, and to put them under trials. The Lord gave me Job 1:9-10, and Revelation 12:10 to prove this fact. Satan will continue accusing Christians until the event in Revelation 12:10 comes to pass.
How frequent does Satan present himself before God?
Satan presents himself before God day and night. The Lord gave me Revelation 12:10 to prove this fact.
Can Satan really talk to our Father in Heaven?
Satan can talk to our Father in Heaven. This is clearly indicated in chapter 1, and chapter 2 of the book of Job in the Bible.
Can God talk to Satan?
Yes, our Father in Heaven can talk to Satan. This is clearly indicated in Job 1:6-12, and Job 2:1-7.
Has Satan got a Bible?
Yes, Satan has a Bible. Luke 4:9-11 proves this. The Devil is always reading the Bible to find verses he may use to accuse Christians before God. Satan uses these Bible verses as legal authority to tempt Christians and to prevent Christians from entering Heaven.
Can our loving Father in heaven give Satan permission to tempt us?
Yes. Our Father in Heaven can give Satan permission to come and tempt a Christian. Job 1:12 proves this.
Can our Father in Heaven lead us into temptation?
Yes. Our Father in Heaven can lead Christians to Satan to be tempted. God led Jesus Christ to the Devil to be tempted by Satan. God gave me Mathew 4:1 to confirm this truth.
With all these facts, what are Christians supposed to do?
God led me to the Lord’s Prayer. Our Father in heaven wants Christians to do one thing always. God wants all Christians to pray like this all the time:
Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[a]
And lead us not into temptation.[b]
Luke 11:4
When you ask God that: “Do not lead us into temptation“, you are saying that: “Father, do not give Satan permission to come and tempt us”
When a Christian prays like this, God will not give Satan permission to come and tempt that Christian.