Dear reader, I have some good news from Heaven. Satan’s days of disturbing God’s people are now numbered. Soon he will be no more and God’s people will be set free from his deceptions and torment.
Heaven has prepared a great chain.
God’s expert angels have already prepared and tested a heavy duty celestial chain that will be used to bind Satan. The Devil has always thought he is powerful but this time Heaven will show him he is powerless.
God’s powerful angels will strongly bind him in this great chain and he will not have the ability even to shake himself. For more information about this great chain, and how it will be used read Revelation 20:1-2.
Heaven has prepared the key to the Abyss.
God’s great angel has already removed from Heaven’s key box the key to the Abyss. The great warrior angel of God will use this key to open the Abyss, lock chained Satan inside and take back the key to Heaven’s key box.

God’s great angel has cleared space in the Abyss where Satan will be imprisoned.
The great angel of God has already cleared space within the Abyss where Satan will sit after being bound in the chains. For more information about the Abyss and how this operation will be carried out read Revelation 20:1-2.
Satan will finally be cast into the Lake of Fire.
And the devil, who has been deceiving God’s people, will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur where the beast and the false prophet would already be thrown. The Devil will be tormented day and night for ever. (Revelation 20:10)