Dear reader, Our Father in Heaven wants to inform all people on Earth that Satan is to pass away soon, but Jesus Christ will always remain.
What the Lord assigned me.
Our Father in Heaven assigned me to write about Satan and his kingdom. This is the ministry God gave me. The Lord has given me all the necessary protection, resources, and strength to do this work. Any person, including Satan, who fights the ministry God has given me is fighting God himself.
Our Father in Heaven will deal with that person severely. Read here the main message about Satan our Father in Heaven gave me to pass on to all Christians.
All followers of Satan have been blinded.
Our Father in Heaven wants to inform all people who associate themselves with Satan that they are have been spiritually blinded by the Devil.
In their blindness, Satan is leading his followers to eternal destruction. If you are following Satan, God is asking you this question:
Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?
Luke 6:39
Satan knows his destiny.
The Devil knows that his destiny is the Lake of burning fire, but he does not tell this to his followers. Satan has blinded his followers with worldly materials, temporary pleasures, and false prestige.
Through all these, Satan has put heavy loads on all his followers. Only Jesus Christ can remove these heavy burdens from these blinded followers.
Follow the light of life.
Our Father in Heaven does not want anyone to perish in Hell. God wants all those who have been blinded by Satan to choose life, instead of eternal death. This is what our Lord Jesus Christ says:
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
John 8:12.