Dear reader, I want to give you a secret about composing Christian songs that will attract both heaven’s and earth‘s attention. If you take my advice, your new songs will touch people’s hearts because they will be backed up by Heaven.
Songs mentioning the Trinity.
First, songs praising or worshiping our Father in Heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will always be backed up by Heaven. They will touch people’s hearts.
Songs with the word Hallelujah.
Second, Hallelujah is a very powerful praise and worship expression in God’s Kingdom. Any song containing the word Hallelujah will be backed by Heaven (Read about the power of Hallelujah in This article) .
Songs with words Holy and Worthy.
Third, any song indicating God’s holiness or worthiness will be backed by heaven (Revelation 4:8).
The Blood of Jesus Christ.
Additionally, songs exalting the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ will be backed by Heaven.
Songs based on Bible verses.
Also, any song based on a Bible verse that glorifies God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, will be backed by Heaven and it will touch listeners’ hearts.
Examples of Bible verses good for composing songs backed by Heaven.
“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory fill the earth” Psalm 57:5
“Your love Lord reaches the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies” Psalm 57:10
“I will trust in the name of God my Lord” Psalm 20:7
“Jesus is alive for ever and ever” Revelation 1:18
“Blot not my name from the Book of Life” Rev. 3:5
“Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom” Luke 23:42
“Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty” Rev. 15:3
“Everyone on earth will fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name” Rev. 15:4
“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God” Rev. 19:1
“I will always sing of the Salvation and the Power and the Kingdom of our God, and the Authority of His Messiah” Rev. 12:10.
Dear Christian, continually read the Bible. As you do so, God will give you songs, through His written Word, that will touch both Heaven and earth.