Dear reader, you may find it hard to believe, the devil has a wound on one of his legs. This information was given to me by Pastor Emmanuel Twagirimana from Rwanda who died and Jesus Christ took him on a tour of Hell.
In this post I talk about Satan’s wound he saw.
The Rwandan man who rose from the dead.
During the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, while Emmanuel Twagirimana and many other displaced persons were hiding in a school near Kigali city, he was hit by bomb shrapnel’s and his left arm almost fell off his body.
Consequently, Emmanuel died shortly after this explosion.
Since it was dangerous to go out, the people who were still alive wrapped his body in a mat and pushed it to one of the corners of the classroom.
As a result, the body slowly deteriorated and on the sixth day, maggots began to move on the injured parts of his body. Then, on the seventh day, something suddenly happened!
Meanwhile, people who were still alive in the classroom were shocked to death when they saw the ropes that had bound the dead body slowly breaking! The mat opened and Emmanuel sat up!
Most of them ran out of the school thinking they had been invaded by a ghost. Read more about his death and resurrection, and what he saw in Heaven in his book Seven days in Heaven.
Emmanuel’s tour of Hell and Heaven.
Afterwards, brother Emmanuel says that our Lord Jesus Christ took him to Hell and showed him two Christians and why they were in fire. Next Jesus took Emmanuel to place where Satan lives.
Satan’s big wound and the shouts of Hallelujah.
Later, Pastor Emmanuel says he saw Satan with a big wound on one of his legs. Something happened as Jesus was showing Emmanuel Satan’s wound.
In fact, eEvery time Christians on earth shouted Hallelujah, Satan’s wound worsened and became more painful to Satan!
Never stop shouting Hallelujah.
Finally, God has given you an assignment. Always lead others to shout Hallelujah at the top of your voices. As you shout, Satan’s wound will deteriorate more.
Satan’s wound.