Dear reader, God has given you a mind like His, to create beautiful imaginations that will bring glory to His Kingdom. I remember one day when the earth was full of darkness; then God imagined something beautiful. He imagined light—like the light in heaven where He lives. So He created light on earth.
Then something happened:
God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:4
Start imagining beautiful things within God’s Kingdom.
First, if you want to please God, instead of filling your mind with sinful thoughts, start imagining beautiful things within God’s kingdom. Think of the new things to be implemented on earth for His glory.
Second, don’t worry about financing your beautiful thoughts. God will provide the means for you. All He needs from you is your faith to implement these beautiful thoughts.
Personal testimony.
About ten years ago, God called my wife to full-time ministry. He told her that there was much darkness in the county where she was born. Many people in her area were in bondage to the kingdom of Satan. Because she had seen the light of Jesus Christ, God wanted her to go to her home area and be a light in that darkness by starting a church.
I imagined a large beautiful church.
She started with a small tent of about ten people. Then one day, while we were together on that site, I had an idea for a very large and beautiful church.
I could see the beautiful front porch. I saw a beautiful pulpit with Roman pillars on the sides. Then I imagined the sparkling tile floor. And many other beautiful things about that magnificent building.
I started working on what I had imagined.
Without delay, I had the workers dig the foundation for the beautiful church I had envisioned. I had no money in my bank account and none of the few church members we had were able to afford even a 50kg bag of cement; but I knew that somehow, God would provide.
God provided all the finances t needed to complete the church.
As the construction of the walls continued, I was blessed to represent my country at the American Bio International Convention in Chicago, USA.
It was at this meeting that God supernaturally connected me with a South Korean Christian billionaire who owned many chemical factories in his country. Through this connection, God helped me realize my dream of a big and beautiful church.
Examples of beautiful imaginations.
Imagine yourself standing before thousands preaching the Gospel.
You can imagine starting a Christian FM radio or TV station in your area.
Imagine yourself being a person of peace instead of being a source of conflicts.
You can imagine forgiving someone.
Imagine feeding the hungry and clothing the naked.
You can imagine yourself redeeming many souls from Hell to Heaven.
Imagine yourself donating millions of dollars to support ministries worldwide.
Your beautiful imaginations that please God most.