
      武蔵牧子   (By Makko Musagara)     親愛なる読者、あなたはこれを信じないかもしれませんが、それは本当 です。そして、書かれた神の言葉によって支えられています。サタンは 絶えず天国の神の前に行きます。この投稿は、サタンの昼と夜が神に行 く理由を示しています。 聖書の 3 節は、サタンが神の前に行くことを証明しています。 ルカ 22:31-32 ルカの福音書 22:31-32 Japanese Living Bible (JLB) 31 シモン、シモン。いいですか。サタンがあなたがたを麦のように、ふ るいにかけることを願い出ました。 32 しかし、安心しなさい。あなたの 信仰がなくならないように、祈ってあげました。だから、悔い改めて立 ち直った時には、仲間の者たちもしっかり立てるように、力づけてやり なさい。」 上記の聖書の中で、イエスは弟子たちに、天国にいる神の前でサタンを 見て、地上に来て彼らを厳しく誘惑する許可を求めたことを警告してい ました。 仕事  1:6 ヨブ 記 1:6 … Continued

Как сатана получает разрешение Бога искушать христиан

      Макко Мусагара   ( Makko Musagara)   Уважаемый читатель, вы можете не верить этому, но это правда; и оно подкреплено написанным Словом Божьим. Сатана постоянно идет перед Богом на небесах. Этот пост показывает вам, почему сатана днем … Continued

Làm thế nào Satan có được sự cho phép của Thiên Chúa để cám dỗ các Kitô hữu

      Bởi Makko Musagara     Bạn đọc thân mến, bạn có thể không tin điều này nhưng đó là sự thật; và nó được hỗ trợ bởi Lời Chúa bằng văn bản. Satan liên tục đi trước … Continued

Cómo Satanás obtiene el permiso de Dios para tentar a los cristianos

        Por Makko Musagara       Estimado lector, puede que no lo creas, pero es verdad; y está respaldado por la Palabra escrita de Dios. Satanás continuamente va delante de Dios en el cielo. Esta publicación … Continued

Forgiving is a weapon

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, God has given you a weapon many Christians do not know about. It is the weapon of forgiving. This post shows you why forgiving is such a powerful weapon. Forgiving is … Continued

“I will greet you always”

     Makko Musagara   Dear reader, there are some things in any local community which are understood by mature persons only. The young cannot grasp them at all. The same applied to the village where I grew up regarding a … Continued

Get out of drugs today – says God.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, one of the practices that may greatly expose you to demonic possession is taking illicit drugs. The others coming close are satanic worship, the practice of witchcraft, and prostitution. It is … Continued

Get out of prostitution – says Jesus Christ

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, there is no profession that exposes one to demonic possession like prostitution. The only others coming so close are satanic worship and the practice of witchcraft. It is for this reason … Continued

God is warning you, but you may not realize it.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, God cares deeply about you. He loves you so much that He does not want you to perish in hell. That is why He warns you in one way or … Continued

Salvation is a daily experience

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, some people become lax after receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They become lukewarm and gradually return to their old worldly ways. This article encourages all Christians to … Continued