Emergency number for Christians to call Heaven

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Emergency number for Christians to call Heaven.



Makko Musagara



Dear reader, just as each country has its own emergency telephone number, heaven also has its own emergency number to call. In this article I give you the emergency number for Christians to call heaven .

Christians facing emergencies.

If you are a Christian, and you find yourself in a situation of emergency, you can urgently call Heaven for assistance. You must do this before calling any person. In a few moments I will give you the emergency number to call.

Non-Christians facing emergencies.

The good thing about this number I am about to give you is that even non-Christians can call it. Heaven will answer them immediately because they have believed in this number..

Here is the number.

The emergency number I am talking about is actually the name of Jesus Christ. All Christians facing emergencies must shout this name before they call Police.

If you shout this name, heaven may respond faster than you may think. The following things will happen when you shout the name of Jesus Christ.

God will give you attention.

When you shout the name of Jesus Christ, our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will immediately give you attention. They will do anything to help you.

God’s presence will come where you are.

When you shout the name of Jesus Christ, God’s presence will quickly come where you are. This presence indicates that God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are with you.

God’s angels will come.

When you shout the name of Jesus Christ, our Father in Heaven will command his angels to come and help you.

Satan and demons will flee.

Satan and demons cannot withstand the name of Jesus Christ. Satan and all evil cannot withstand God’s presence. All evil will flee when you shout the name of Jesus Christ.

Father in Heaven will rescue you.

When you shout the name of Jesus Christ, heaven will rescue you because it is written that:


Whoever calls on the name of the Lord [in prayer] will be saved.


Romans 10:13





What the Lord told me about “Lead us not into temptation”

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